Tribunalul București a anulat decizia abuzivă a lui Arafat de a impune Certificat de vaccinare bucureștenilor

Tribunalul Bucuresti – Secția a II-a Contencios Administrativ și Fiscal, prin sentința din 2.11.2021 pronuntata in dosarul nr. 6257/2/2021 a anulat toate dispozițiile din Hotărârea Comitetului Municipiului București pentru Situații de Urgență nr. 61/02.10.2021 prin care se condiționa participarea bucurestenilor de testare/vaccinare sau trecere prin boala (certificatul verde) la diverse activitati, a anunțat avocatul Elena Radu cu puțin timp în urmă.

Sentinta nu este definitiva. Este supusa recursului.

„Impunerea conditiei de a fi sanatos pentru exercitarea unor drepturi incalca flagrant Declaratia Universala a Drepturilor Omului, Convenția Europeană pentru Drepturile Omului si Constitutia Romaniei… Cetateanul e indreptatit sa nu recunoasca obligatiile ce i se impun in aceste conditii”, a scris judecătorul Amer Jabre de la CAB.

Redăm mai jos solutia pronunțată de Tribunalul Bucuresti azi și imediat după aceasta senzaționala sentință a judecătorului CAB:

”Respinge cererea de intervenție forțată formulată de reclamant în contradictoriu cu intervenientul forțat Avocatul Poporului, ca inadmisibilă.

Respinge excepția lipsei calității procesuale pasive a pârâtei,
Instituția Prefecturii Municipiului București, ca neîntemeiată.

Respinge excepția de inadmisibilitate a capetelor 5 și 6, ca neîntemeiată.

Respinge excepția lipsei de interes, ca neîntemeiată.

Admite în parte acțiunea formulată și precizată de reclamant.

Anulează în parte art. 4, art. 5 al. 2, art. 6, art. 7 al. 1 și 2 și art. 9 din Hotărârea CMBSU nr. 61/02.10.2021 în limita sintagmei „Participarea este permisă doar pentru persoanele care sunt vaccinate împotriva virusului SARS-CoV-2 și pentru care au trecut 10 zile de la finalizarea schemei complete de vaccinare, respectiv persoanele care se află în perioada cuprinsă între a 15- a zi și a 180-a zi ulterioară confirmării infectării cu virusul SARS-Co V-2”.

Statul a transformat dreptul de a fi sanatos intr-o obligatie.
Pana la fundamentele dreptului natural, citand nu doar Constitutia si Conventia Europeana a Drepturilor Omului, ci si Declaratia Universala a Drepturilor Omului.

Astfel, magistratul CAB explica faptul ca un om dobandeste drepturile si libertatile fundamentale codificate in cele trei acte de mai sus nu prin mila statului, ci prin simpla lui nastere.

De aceea, nu statul trebuie sa-i impuna individului prezentarea vreunei dovezi pentru ca individul sa se bucure de drepturile si libertatile lui fundamentale, ci invers: autoritatile trebuie sa dovedeasca temeinic motivele pentru care restrang exercitiul drepturilor si libertatilor.

Pe cazul concret al pandemiei care ne intereseaza, se explică faptul că, practic, prin restrictiile impuse, regimul
Iohannis-Citu-Arafat ii obliga pe romani sa fie sanatosi, dreptul la sanatate devenind astfel o obligatie (ceea ce – desigur – constituie o aberatie).

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2 comentarii

  1. „CDC Withdraws PCR Testing Protocol BUT NOT Until December 31st, 2021”

    De ce? Pentru ca:

    „Soros And Gates Are Buying UK C0VID Testing Company”


    Si care ar fi motivul? Pai acela de a implementa noile teste, care sunt de fapt NOUA METODA DE VAXX!!

    Asta vor sa faca, sa impuna… TESTAREA ! Cine isi inchipuie ca „gata, s-a terminat!” se pacaleste singur.

    World ‘Banksters’ (who claim Earth is overpopulated) have been paying the Militaries around the World billions to produce silent intelligent targeted weapons of mass destruction.
    The Militaries have failed to „cook” the perfect so-called virus in Wuhan, China for the kill job (because the viral theory is not only seriously flawed but is completely false), but along comes the technocrats with their nano tech, 4G, 5G, 6G & AI Supercomputers to create the perfect intelligent targeted silent bio weapon disguised as a killer virus.
    Therefore, the invasive tests and so-called vaccines form the backbone of this silent bioweapon to deliver cytotoxic, genotoxic and magnetic toxic reduced graphene ferrous oxide to connect humans and animals to the Internet of Things (IOT) for sterilization, mind control, contact tracing and eventual human and animal assassinations to reduce the surplus population of ‘useless eaters’ as stated by Henry Kissinger.
    PLEASE Say „NO” to invasive tests and fake vaccines to block the Military Coup of Earth and the planned sterilization and depopulation of over 7.5 billion people and even billions more of animals and birds.

    As soon as a critical mass of people have been inoculated with graphene ferrous oxide (estimated at 90 percent) they will go full throttle and turn the pulsating microwave frequency up 41.3 gHz for a human quantum connection (frequency delivered from satellite, drones and/or cell towers to humans) affecting all those who have been inoculated.
    Once the quantum link is certain they can gradually push the frequency up to 60 gHz causing oxygen deprivation, pathological blood coagulation and then suffocation where people will fall over dead in 4 minutes or less.”


    Nanotechnology and EMP Pulses in Vaccinated People

    „According to what we investigate here, graphene is not charged with energy from any electromagnetic field, but it does become activated in the presence of the signal from such an electromagnetic communications field. This is because the nano-graphene uses or is powered by the bio-electric field of the inoculated person. Yes, it is true that they emit a code, like a cell phone ID. For us here this is not only like a car license plate in a digital form that identifies the inoculated people, but it is also a proof of the transmission of the nano-graphene with the electromagnetic communications field. What they are detecting is not just the „license plate”, but a transmission test, comparable to a TV broadcaster transmitting a color bar image with a view to transmitting a more complex image or program a little later. It is a „systems ready to go”. The nano-graphene will transmit much more data and detail when it is fully up and running. The TV stations used to transmit a signal in colored bars before starting their transmission and regular programming. Like in the 70’s and 80’s. It is a „systems ready” that the graphene transmits to let the electromagnetic field know that it is ready to receive instructions. Yes, it is a fixed number, but the data transmission of the nano-graphene is complex and dynamic when it is activated with the field. ID of the inoculate, its geolocation position, its bio-medical data in detail, environmental microphone functions (in theory video as well), status of the genetic change processes that the nano-graphene is performing inside the cells of the inoculate, and any other two-way system, receiving and transmitting. Example of this are the transmissions of Synthetic Telepathy, of two kinds of the open one, where the subject realizes and perceives it, ‘voice of god’ for example, and the one of modification and control of behavior at total level, where the subject is guided in his way of thinking, reacting, before the external stimulus, and even what he should think. This is not only dependent on nano-graphene and is not an exaggeration in any way, since this technology has already been used without the need to be inoculated.

    An example of this is the modification of human behavior and conduct by remote control, to reduce or stop street riots, or to cause them at the will of the controllers. The possibilities are vast.

    Robert: Total Farm.

    Anéeka: It is the ultimate plan, yes. It will depend on the people whether they allow it or not. On how many of them are awake, and fight for their freedom.”


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