VIDEO: 666 in codurile de bare EAN-13 si UPC / Inventatorul codului de bare 666 este evreul George Joseph Laurer de la IBM …

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La articolul International Article Number (EAN) de pe wikipedia, jos la References gasim:

„Alumni Hall of Fame Members”University of Maryland Alumni Association. The University of Maryland. 2005. Archived from the original on 2007-06-30. http://web.archive.org/web/20070623090457/http://www.alumni.umd.edu/about/alumnihallfame_bios.html.


B.S. 1951



After graduating from Maryland in 1951, George Laurer joined IBM as a junior engineer and worked up the ranks to senior engineer. In 1969, he returned to the technical side of engineering and was later assigned the monumental task of designing a code and symbol for product identification for the Uniform Grocery Product Code Council. His solution—the Universal Product Code—radically changed the retail world. Since then, he has enhanced the code by adding a 13th digit. Laurer retired from IBM in 1987. He holds some 25 patents and is a member of the university’s A. James Clark School of Engineering Hall of Fame.

Despre Uniform Grocery Product Code Council cititi va rog:

HISTORY: The Uniform Code Council, Inc.

In legatura cu IBM, lucrurile sunt clare:

IBM implineste 100 de ani. Companie cu rol decisiv in eGuvernare, cipuri, internetul obiectelor. Ce nu prea aflam in mass-media despre ei?

Video: IBM despre INTERNETUL LUCRURILOR. Fiecare om sau obiect va fi conectat prin tehnologia RFID la internet si astfel va fi o societate minunata pe acest pamant …

George Joseph Laurer este considerat tatal codului de bare, dar munca a inceput-o:

Norman Joseph Woodland

George Joseph Laurer recunoaste existenta celor trei de 6, dar spune ca-i o coincidenta:


Noi nu credem in coincidente:

Sfântul PAISIE AGHIORITUL explică de ce EVREII folosesc 666 pentru SEMNUL FIAREI, nu-l înlocuiesc cu un alt număr, o fac pe față, ba îl mai și promovează


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